About Open Attribution

Data Ownership

Own your company's advertising data without resorting to third party control. Our goal is to give developers control of their app advertising data rather than a third party. True ownership of your mobile app's data Paying someone else to hold and manage your app's data takes power away from app creators. Open Attribution is a suite of open source tools so that you can manage your advertising data ownership.

Open source community

Open Attribution is committed to building a community of developers who work together to build a secure ecosystem. Ready? This project is just starting, so if you're interested in using it please reach out before putting it into production. To learn more head to Getting Started to learn more.

Why do apps NEED attribution?

If you want to buy in-app advertisements, attribution a technical requirement, not a business option. Apps cannot use regular HTTP Urls to connect users, deep links are too limited. Historically MMPs stepped in to help solve this complex problem but by doing so became the arbiters of large amounts of data that some apps may wish to maintain control over. Read more about the historical background here.

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